
Mysterium Paschale: The Mystery of Easter is unavailable, but you can change that!

This is an account, at once rigorously theological and warmly devotional, of the death and resurrection of Christ, and their significance for the Christian life. Von Balthasar offers sharp insights into some current controversies—for example, the ‘bodiliness’ of the Resurrection—and spiritual inspiration for the year round. This scholarly reflection of the climax of the Christian year is an...

via Athanasius, Cyril and the Cappadocians to Damascene and Scholasticism), even if the ultimate objective of those controversies about ideas always remained the concrete person of Christ in his (primary) function as Redeemer and (secondarily) as Revealer. But alongside this conciliar and Scholastic dogmatics it was necessary—if the personal element was to receive its theological primacy—for there always to be a counter-movement, setting out from the implicit theology of the great saints and their
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